There are certain field that you only want the user to input integer or numbers but there is always that doubt that they will accidentally press a non-numeric characters.
The best way to catch that one is to forbid the user to input a letters, special characters and any other characters that is not needed for your specific field.
For example, you are doing a form for a product and part of it's fields is the 'Price'. We all know that the price contains numbers and period ONLY.
Add a textfield on your form and named it 'txtPrice'.
Add the following code on your textfield's KeyPress event.
e.KeyChar : This gets the current value of the key pressed in the keyboard.
char.IsControl : returns true if the user presses 'ctrl', 'alt' , etc.
char.IsDigit : returns true if the user presses a number key.
If pressed key is NOT a control key AND NOT a digit AND NOT a period, then
SET e.handled to true, which means to cancel the event or that your handling the event in your code instead.
If pressed key is a period check if the textfields already contains a period, then
don't let the characted to be pressed. (e.handled = true)
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