Monday, August 3, 2015

UFT Description and .GetChildObjects | Working with multiple objects with similar or the same set of properties

It is a best practice to make your automation script as Dynamic as possible. Here's a sample when dealing with search results or blog post or list of articles.

In this example, I use the search results.

I'd like to automate the searching capability of google search and click the first search result (not the featured) no matter what title or text it has.

Figure 1.0 Search results in

Tip: You can get the properties of the object either using object spy or developer tools in your browsers.

Figure 2.0 Decription and .ChildObjects
You can also do the loop statement to iterate all the present occurrences of the object.

Figure 2.1 Looping the objects' existence

Object indexes acts like arrays, it always starts with '0' index.

Note: You can always maximize your scripts to be suitable for similar layouts as long as the objects are still the same and uses the same hierarchy.